Available & sold work
The framed pieces below are on display at the Fireweed Hub in New Denver from November 27 - January 5, 2025. Please send me an email at leannefulton@gmail.com or contact me by phone at 604-562-7834 if you’re interested in purchasing a painting.
The landscapes were painted from photos and sketches taken out on hikes, and the still lifes were created as part of a group that gathers in the winter months at Knox Hall here in New Denver.
Lake of the Hanging Glacier, 2024. Oil on panel, 24x12.
Monica pond, oil on panel 12x16
Lyle Basin, 2024. Oil on panel, 16x24.
Rosehips - oil on canvas, 24x20
Little euphonium - oil on panel, 12x12
Red paintbrushes, oil on canvas, 8x8
Alpine meadow - oil on canvas, 10x10
Heron over the marsh - oil on canvas, 10x10
Sunbeam snowshoe hare - oil on canvas, 8x8 SOLD
Dennis Ridge meadow - oil on canvas, 8x8 SOLD
Tulips & peonies - oil on canvas, 16x16
Macbeth from Jumbo - oil on canvas, 16x16
Horseshoe Glacier from Jumbo Pass, 2024 Oil on panel, 24x24
Still life with onions, 2024. Oil on panel. 16x24 inches.
Macbeth Icefields from Monica Meadows. Oil on panel, 24 x 24 inches $750
English Bay Sunset, 2024. Oil on panel, 12x12 inches.
Blue Grouse stream, 2024. Acrylic on panel, 12x16.
Shangri-La, 2024. Oil on panel, 24x16.
Winter still life with pomegranate, 2024. Oil on panel, 12x12 inches. $300
Windy afternoon in the Kohan. Oil on panel, 12x12 inches - SOLD
Monica Meadows, 2024. Oil on panel, 12x16 inches.
Rathtrevor Beach, 2024. Oil on panel, 12x12 inches.
Alps Alturas reflection. Oil on panel, 12x12 inches - SOLD
Lardeau view. Oil on panel, 12x12 inches - SOLD
Winter sunset above New Denver. Oil on panel, 12 x 12 inches - SOLD
Horseshoe glacier from Monica Meadows. Oil on panel, 12x12 inches - SOLD
Crepuscule on the Slocan. Oil on panel 24x36 inches -SOLD
Alps Alturas reflection. Oil on panel 12x12 inches - SOLD
Pink poppies. Oil on panel 24 x 24 inches - SOLD
Still waters. Oil on panel 36x36 inches - SOLD
Slocan storm. Oil on panel, 12x12
Mt. Horeb, Shangri-La. Oil on panel, 12x12
Silverton summit storm. Oil on panel 18x24 inches.
Jumbo view to Horseshoe glacier. Oil on panel 24x18 inches.
Näfels pass - Glarus Nord, Switzerland.